Thursday, November 1, 2007

Back Up and Running!

Finally, we have internet again! Nine days later and all that was wrong was a blown fuse. Go figure...this is India!

Now that I have internet again, I have 9 days of e-mails, blog readings, newspaper stories, etc to catch up on. Last week, the World Series was half over with before I even knew it had started. S and I thought it didn't start until the weekend, so by the time we found out, we were only able to catch the last 2 games. Go Red Sox! I bet I have some happy nephews in Massachusetts celebrating this week. Who knows what else I have missed by not having internet access.

Also, with internet again, I really need to get our hotel room booked for our trip to Germany in a few weeks. Not to mention, I still have move expenses to submit. Plus, I need to check to see if we received our tax return and if S got paid in October. So, I guess my Friday will consist of being on the internet all day. Tonight, I need to plug our internet phone in and call my mom, my brother, and my cousin for sure.

Internet. Life is good!


Anonymous said...

I am guessing your phone is not working yet, since you did not call.


Anonymous said...

I thought I was the cousin she was calling.
