Monday, February 18, 2008

Back to Normal

Life for me is pretty much back to normal...or at least as normal as one's life can be when living in India. All of my visitors have left Chennai. Only 33 days until my cousin and aunt arrive for their visit. I think I'll be recuperated by then. It was great being able to show people around Chennai. However, after 3 weeks of it, I am tired. A LOT of time in the car...and for those of you who have never experienced traffic in India (even if only riding and not driving), you won't appreciate just how tiring this can be. So, I think I'll be staying home for a few days.

Originally, S and I were to leave last night for our trip to Bangkok and then on to Singapore. However, the trip had to be cancelled as S has to go on a different business trip later this week. This is the eighth week of the year and will be his sixth business trip. Ugh! I hope this doesn't last all year long. If so, it will be a really long year.

So, this week I am committed to catching up on a bunch of paperwork...taxes, know, all the fun things in life! Also, I'm behind in birthday cards and gifts, so I need to send out a bunch of belated ones. Let's see, this week will also bring another food shipment. I'm curious to see what surprises my brother stuck into it. Also, S is suppose to be arranging to have everything that is broke in our house fixed, so I'm sure I'll spend a lot of time waiting for repairmen to not show up on time.

Since, things are slowing down a bit here, I should be able to do some regular blog posts again. I have some photos of my outings with my visitors to post...and of course, more gecko stories to tell.

So, I guess I should stop procrastinating and do something productive...

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