Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Yikes! Only 3 Months Til Christmas!

I can't believe that the holiday season is fast approaching. S is already on me to get the Halloween decorations out. With it still being over 90 degrees here every single day, it really doesn't feel to me like it is the last week of September. But it is.

It seems weird to me to be talking to my mom already about what I want for Christmas. But I have been...after all if she waits until November/December to do her shopping, she will have a hard time finding any clothes for me. Not too many summer clothes floating around at that time of the year in cold central Illinois. So, she had best be buying my Christmas now...and had better be shopping at places that have a very liberal return policy...although probably no matter what, if I have to return summer clothes in the dead of winter, I'm sure I'll receive a few raised eyebrows. How weird is it going to be opening Christmas gifts to be getting not sweaters and sweatshirts but T-shirts, shorts, and capris?

Once again this will be another "flat" Christmas. Living overseas last Christmas also, I had to point out to anyone buying S and I gifts that they had better be flat, lightweight, and small enough to fit into our suitcases. Doesn't seem like it would be that big of a problem...but in the end, we had to end up leaving stuff at my parents' house until we could fetch it when we were back there in May. So, the same rule applys this year...small, flat, lightweight gifts only please!

I am stressing already about the Christmas shopping that I have to do. Living in Beijing last year at Christmas, there was an endless supply of different items to buy for everyone (although men proved to be somewhat difficult). Here in Chennai, it's a completely different story. I really don't know what I'm going to get everyone. I'm sure all my friends here who have been here longer than I have will be giving me tips...and we already have a Christmas shopping day planned, but I already know that in the end, it just won't be the same variety as I had last year. I'll figure something out.

My mom already knows she's getting a scrapbook of her trip to Beijing...I really have to get working again on that. Even though it's 3 months to Christmas, we'll be headed back to the U.S. in just over 2 months...and thus it needs to be done by then. No doubt that time will fly by. I guess then I should stop procrastinating and get to work on it!

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