It was great having Beth and Diane here. I think they really enjoyed the trip, and it sounds like they both would be willing to come back for another visit. We would definitely welcome another visit from them, or from anyone else for that matter. Thanks again to the both of them for giving up their spring break to spend it in India. Not a typical spring break, but definitely an unforgettable one for them.
I no more than had dropped them off at the airport, came home for a few hours of sleep, and woke up to greet new visitors who will be staying for the next 8 days.

Millie the dog and Cleo the kitten will be staying with us while their owners are on vacation. While I'm jealous that I'm not on vacation as well, I'm really looking forward to having a little bit of activity in the house again. Going from three pets to none sure makes things quieter around our home. These two sure look innocent enough in this photo, don't they???
They are innocent, what do you mean? Wish my two got along like that.
We are home now.
I am sure they were complete angels for you:)
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