Anyway, some of the most common creatures found in India are geckos and snakes! Yuck! I'm really not looking forward to any encounters with either of these. Let's just say that Steve and I had our fair share of geckos when we were in Vietnam in February. The one restaurant that we were in had about 20 of them crawling around on the ceiling right above our table! We were so grossed out that we quickly ate a few bites of our dinner and got the heck out of there! I haven't seen more than one or two geckos at a time here in India, so hopefully we won't ever have to repeat that experience. The last experience that we had with a snake was when we lived in Chenoa and somehow a garter snake got in through the back screen door and was in the door frame. Let's just say that after we got it out, the back door was never opened again while we lived there. I'm honestly surprised that we never had any snakes at our Morton house. A few mice, but I can actually handle those.
Anyway, back to the snakes and geckos of Chennai. Our friends have had around 6 snakes on their property since they moved here in March. This includes a couple of cobras (poisonous), a couple of kraits (more poisonous than cobras), and some green tree snakes (still haven't determined if they are poisonous or not...however in my book, all snakes are poisonous!). Anyway, Steve has now started referring to their house as Snake Club! I was at their house for the first time on Friday...didn't see any snakes, but did enjoy meeting their beautiful golden retriever dog. He really made me miss our dog and cats. While I was at their house, they did point out to me just how small geckos can be. For whatever reason, I was thinking that geckos and lizards are always big (I guess I have seen that gecko on the Geicko commercial too many times). Anyway, baby geckos are very, very small...we are talking smaller than the size of your small finger. I have to worry about them getting in through any little crack in the house...and let's just say, Indian houses have a lot of cracks. Not to mention that geckos have been known to hide in shoes! YUCK, GROSS, DISGUSTING!
Well this morning, these same friends had another gecko in their house. They accidentally caught it. See photo below.

Yes, that is a lint roller with a gecko stuck on it! They thought it was dead, but come to find out it was still alive! Anyway, click on this link to read their blog on this.
Where In The World...: Pranks and Geckos
I told them that they may have actually invented a way to catch small geckos. Just put a lint roller on a really long handle! Anyway, I truly am NOT looking forward to having geckos in my house...but it will happen sooner or later...this I am sure of. I'm actually surprised that we haven't had any in the apartment yet. Knock on wood! Anyway, I guess now I need to invest in an Indian snake and lizard book!
Yep. Looks just as gross on your blog as it does on ours. Check your shoes too!
I agree Danie, it is totally gross! I completely forgot about the shoe thing. I'm going to edit my post now to include that.
If it makes you feel any better - Ii was told that when a gecko chirps in your house it is good luck! hehehe Not sure this helps the gross out factor of finding them in your shoes though!
Girl, girl, girl! Listen to yourself. Geckos and snakes - for pete's sake. And the fact that you know there names is very scary. Well, I sure am going to enjoy following your adventures. Now, I only have to remember to look at them. Sorry I missed you this Spring - but I doubt if I coulda knocked any sense into you then either. Love the blog. My cousin's son jsutg spent last semester in Greece and it was a great way to keep up with what was going on!
I hear that gecko-chirping-sound and it makes my skin crawl. I can't get into my bed unless someone (other than me) finds the gecko and removes it.
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